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  1. Notice to shareholders

    Pareto Asset Management AS hereby informs that it is proposed that Pareto Høyrente (Merging Fund) be merged with Pareto Nordic Cross Credit (Receiving Fund).

  2. Pareto Nordic Cross Credit

    Get access to Nordic bonds with low geopolitical risk, an ESG profile and untapped opportunities from the full Nordic credit spectrum.

  3. Responsible investments

    Pareto Asset Management aims at contributing to sustainable development of markets and long-term value creation by investing in a responsible and ethical manner.

  4. Monthly reports June 2019

    Many of these fund updates will tell you that the first half of the year turned out well for your investments, despite a mature cycle, a looming trade war and geopolitical tensions.

  5. To manage a Swan-labeled fund

    In 2018, Pareto Global Corporate Bond became the first fixed income fund in Norway, Sweden and Finland to receive the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. As a result we have committed to a demanding process of verifying that all the holdings in the fund comply with the strict sustainability requirements of the Swan label at any time.

  6. Monthly reports May 2019

    If May is indeed the queen of months, it did not earn its reputation this year. Stocks and bonds did not disagree this time.