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  1. Sustainability report 2020

    One of our obligations as a Swan-labelled fixed income fund is to publish an annual report on the sustainability performance of the fund.

  2. Monthly reports December 2020

    In terms of collective human tragedy, we can only be relieved that 2020 is past us and look forward to a brighter 2021.

  3. Monthly reports November 2020

    Despite the fact that the presidential election developed into a protracted process with many lawsuits, the market seems to have focused more on the news about vaccines against Covid-19. The market had one of its strongest months in a long time in most risk assets globally.

  4. Notice to shareholders

    On 16 November 2020 we received approval for renaming our Swan-labelled fixed income fund.

  5. Showing our cards

    We have written several times about our commitment to responsible and sustainable investments. This report, made to show how we handle this commitment, is the tenth of its kind. We like to think that we are constantly getting a little better, through experience and not least the opportunity to learn from our own mistakes.

  6. Monthly reports October 2020

    Political uncertainty and the drastic spread of Covid-19 became too much for the market during the last week of October.

  7. Monthly reports august 2020

    We have now been living with the effects of the Covid-19 virus for just over six months. The world and how we relate to it has probably changed permanently.

  8. Monthly reports July 2020

    There is still a lot to worry about in the global economy, but there are many bright spots as well.