If you hold equity funds managed by other asset managers, but which are included in our fund selection, we will assist you in moving these holdings to your share savings account with us. This allows you to get an overall overview of all your holdings in one place, and it will be simple to make reallocations in your portfolio.
Once your equity funds are within the share savings account, you can withdraw the principal value (as well as an adjustment for the risk-free rate), without having to pay tax. Only when you start withdrawing from the capital gains, the withdrawal will become taxable.
A share savings account is only available for private investors.
To create an account, or if you want more information, please reach out to your relationship manager or send us an email.
Benefits of a share savings account
- You will find most equity funds managed by third party fund managers included in our fund selection, making it possible to gather all your holdings in one place.
- Creating the account is free of charge.
- You can buy, sell or swich shares and mutual funds without triggering taxes along the way. Only when you start withdrawing from the capital gains, the withdrawal will become taxable.
- The principal value can be withdrawn without having to pay tax.