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Through your investment in securities, directly or indirectly through our funds, you exert influence on companies' cost of capital. We want to provide steadily better transparency and understanding of the way we work with responsible investment.

A demanding exercise

-Sustainable investment  is a demanding exercise. It raises a lot of dilemmas and provides no clear answers, and it requires a lot of subjective judgement. It also entails a lot of erring on our part. We make mistakes, we learn from our mistakes, and we have to admit that we still have a lot to learn, says Finn Øystein Bergh, Chief Investment Officer.

We shall not make investments which constitute an unacceptable risk of contributing to unethical acts or omissions.

In Pareto Asset Management we spend ever more time thinking about what we want our investment activity to achieve. We think of this as responsible investing. Inasmuch as our portfolio management has a decidedly long-term perspective, it is only natural that we take environmental, social and governance aspects into account. Such factors do influence long-term value creation and sustainability, and they entail a clear ethical guidance: We shall not make investments which constitute an unacceptable risk of contributing to unethical acts or omissions. 


Read more about our guidelines for responsible investments, how we go about implementing these guidelines, and actual dilemmas, in our latest report on responsible investments:


This document sets out guidelines for responsible investments undertaken by Pareto Asset Management on behalf of our unitholders and individual asset owners. The purpose of the policy is to prevent Pareto Asset Management from contributing to the violation of human rights, labor rights, corruption, environmental damage or other unethical actions. Furthermore, we consider it important to integrate sustainability assessments into our investment processes, as this can also affect the long-term value of our investment.

We expect the companies that we invest in to comply with the same principles.