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  1. Celebrating one (demanding) year

    Pareto Nordic Cross Credit celebrated its one-year anniversary this November. During extreme adverse and challenging market conditions the fund’s AUM has slowly but steadily increased throughout the year and the portfolio managers have delivered positive returns, not only for the fund’s first full year, but also year to date.

  2. Contagion, quacking, and timing

    Going into November, two factors in particular were bugging financial markets: an increase in Covid-19 infections, leading to further lockdowns, and the possibility of the US presidential election producing no immediate winner.

  3. Notice to shareholders

    On 16 November 2020 we received approval for renaming our Swan-labelled fixed income fund.

  4. Showing our cards

    We have written several times about our commitment to responsible and sustainable investments. This report, made to show how we handle this commitment, is the tenth of its kind. We like to think that we are constantly getting a little better, through experience and not least the opportunity to learn from our own mistakes.

  5. Temporarily deceived?

    Somehow, there’s a certain topical relevance to the notion of fake news – and financial markets are no exception.

  6. Fundamentally flawed

    This month I’ll go way back in financial history. Bear with me:

  7. Semiannual report 2020

    It has been a dramatic first six months, with a sharp fall in February and March, followed by a strong recovery.