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  1. Monthly reports October 2023

    The new issue market slowed significantly during the month of October. Many of the companies that issued were from the energy sector. The strategy going forward remains having a strong focus on companies that contribute with sustainable solutions here and now, and so the fund did not participate in any of these new issues during the month. The fund had positive net inflow and we used inflows to add to several existing positions.

  2. Result of the general meeting of unit-holders

    On 9 November 2023 the general meetings of unit-holders were summoned to vote on the proposed merger between Pareto Investment Fund and Pareto Aksje Norge. The merger was approved and will go ahead as scheduled. Effective date will be 5 December 2023.

  3. Monthly reports September 2023

    This month we had meetings in London where the themes were technology, AI, quantum computers and how finance can use technology.

  4. Monthly reports August 2023

    We have spent the last days of August in the iconic city of New York for meetings with banks and other players in the market. There is still some slowdown in activity due to summer vacation, but overall, there is cautious optimism despite some challenges. The investment banks’ syndicate desks have several companies lined up for new bond issuance after American "Labor Day".

  5. Monthly reports July 2023

    The market continues to surprise in a positive way, despite continued interest rate hikes by global central banks. In the famous TV series Seinfeld, an instructional tape advises people to say "serenity now" every time they get angry when something bad happens. Serenity is of course not the reason for the development right now, but the market is surprisingly calm and stable given the strong interest rate adjustment that has taken place so far.

  6. ESG, research, returns, risk, rebuttal …

    We’ve stated, time and again, that responsible investment is not about being altruistic. We believe that it will also pay off. However, research is piling up that seems to indicate otherwise. So why do we keep at it?

  7. Monthly reports June 2023

    The sun is vital for all life on earth. However, we see that emissions of recent decades have caused temperatures on earth to continue increasing. In several places, temperatures are beginning to approach record levels around 46 degrees Celsius, such as in northern India. Extreme heat is becoming more and more of a health threat and levels observed are potentially deadly to humans. The COP15 agreement in December 2022 regarding biological diversity is one of several important agreements we need on earth to break the negative trend.

  8. Monthly reports May 2023

    The debt ceiling in the US and the prospect of a last-minute deal has been a big dark cloud over the market recently. As we write this month’s text, both Republicans and Democrats have agreed on deal to suspend the US debt ceiling entirely until 2025, saving us from a “default” on US debt.

  9. Sustainability report 2022

    One of our obligations as a Swan-labelled fixed income fund is to publish an annual report on the sustainability performance of the fund.