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  1. Sustainability report 2022

    One of our obligations as a Swan-labelled fixed income fund is to publish an annual report on the sustainability performance of the fund.

  2. Redefining risk

    The past year turned out to be unusually eventful, with outright war, sharply rising interest rates and towering warnings of an imminent recession. It also turned a lot of accepted wisdom on its head.

  3. Annual report 2022

    Annual report for our Norwegian-registered funds with information on the management company and other financial products.

  4. Mixed signals?

    Strong bearish indicators against surprisingly bullish numbers. What to make of it?

  5. Not so random tottering

    What a start to 2023! Long rates fell, spreads fell, bonds bounced back, stocks shot up. The S&P 500, probably the world’s most referenced gauge, returned a full 6.3%.

  6. A year for double-entry bookkeeping

    There’s no denying it: 2022 was a disheartening year for most investors. The US flagship index S&P 500 fell by more than 18%, dividends included. That’s a loss of more than $7 trillion right there.

  7. What’s another month?

    Did it ever strike you that months and years are random periods? Why 30 or 31 days, or 28, when, mathematically, 27 is a much more elegant number (3^3)? And why have years that end on 31 December?

  8. Renewing the ESG vows

    Pareto ESG Global Corporate Bond is the first fixed income fund to be awarded the new license approval for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel 2.0.