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  1. Monthly commentary Pareto Aksje Norge

    Even if the fund return during the first half of 2018 may seem uninterestingly close to that rare creature average or normal return, we see interesting movements in our portfolio.

  2. Bubble warning?

    Here, for your enjoyment, are a few dire warnings about financial markets and the world economy:

  3. Monthly commentary Pareto Aksje Norge

    Earnings season for this year’s first quarter is behind us, and we conclude that our holdings in sum fulfilled the market’s expectations.

  4. … and do not sway

    Did you sell in May last year – and stay away? Too bad. You missed a genuine opportunity in the stock market, particularly if you stayed away from Norwegian stocks.

  5. Nuclear exclusion

    Accomplished portfolio management is not just about finding the right securities. It is also about determining what not to own.

  6. Falling knife of gold

    In the autumn of 2014, as the oil price had begun its descent, the market started worrying about Stavangerbased SR-Bank, due to its many clients in the oil industry.

  7. Annual report 2017

    Persistent optimism was the key narrative of financial markets through 2017.