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  1. Business as unusual as usual

    If you disregard a wee bit of volatility, November was a rather uneventful month in the global stock markets.

  2. Tricked or treated?

    Now, what to make of October? Some would say it looked pretty scary for a while.

  3. Portfolio manager commentary Pareto Global

    The continued escalation of the trade war between China and the United States, as well as rising interest rates have put a pressure on markets. Whilst at the same time we see a strong underlying growth in earnings for companies in our portfolio.

  4. Bull run fun

    You may have read that the U.S. stock market just notched up its longest bull run in history:

  5. Semiannual report 2018

    Halfway through 2018 the Oslo Børs mutual fund index has delivered a return of seven per cent.

  6. Question of the month

    Acute powers of observation were not needed to notice that trade war featured prominently as a major concern in international and business media this summer.